刘红光 黄文斌
(中国地质图书馆 北京 100083)
摘 要 为了使地质文献的主题标引工作逐步走向规范化,以适应现代文献的查新检索的需要,并借助于计算机实现自动化检索,本文针对中国地质文献数据库联机标引系统下主题标引中存在问题提出了解决办法,强调了正确理解主题概念对地质文献主题标引的重要性,阐明了提炼主题词的方法和联机标引的步骤。
关键词 地质文献 数据库 联机标引 主题词法
Subject index of online index system of Chinese geology literatures database
To make a standard for the subject indexing of geosciences literatures in order to meet need of retrieval for geosciences literatures and realize auto search by computer, the anthers show some methods for solving the problems of subject indexing under the computer system in the Database of Chinese Geosciences literatures, emphasizes on an importance of correctly comprehending subject concept for subject indexing and elucidate sequences of refining subject words in this paper.
Geosciences Literatures database indexing under the computer system subject indexing