35.中国地学索引的发展及现状(史 静)
发布时间:2018-09-26  浏览次数:21



史  静

(中国地质图书馆   北京  100083)


摘  要  中国地学索引始于20世纪30年代,经历了70多年的发展,编制了各类专题索引、系统索引、检索工具书多达几十种,本文以中国地质图书馆馆藏为例,详细地介绍了三十种中国学索引出版物情况及编制方法,总结中国地学索引的特点、研究现状及存在问题,并对今后提出了几点建议。

关键词  地学  索引  研究现状  中国


The Development and the status quo of Chinese geosciences indexes

Shi Jing

(China Geology Library)


China geosciences indexes saw 70 years odd developments. Since its debut in the 1930s, dozens of various subject indexes, systems indexes and search tools were compiled. This articles introduces in detail the publications and compiling methods of 30 China geosciences indexes. The characteristics of China geosciences indexes were summarized, the status quo and existing problems described and suggestions for improvement proposed.


Geosciences  indexes  status quo  China