发布时间:2018-09-21  浏览次数:13

Improving index compilation of books bypositive measure

Ge Yongqing(2)

From mimeograph to electronicedition:About compilation of “INTEGRATED INDEX   OF BOOKS BOTH ANCIENT AND MODERN”

Lin Zhongxiang(5)

qualitative and quantitative Comparisonof Citation Indexing Systems both at home   and abroad

OuYang Qinge(13)

Investigation on Chinese Meta SearchEngine

Long Yuwei(28)

Viewing prospect of library resourceconstruction from newly development of catalogue   search engine

Leng Dongmei(33)

Subject expressing capability of titleindexing source of Chinese periodicals

Zhao Yan(40)

Searching important internet sites ofUSA

Wang Xiouping(48)

(要目英译:徐  )